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10月. 19, 2023


更多的 than a dozen science students at 网上赌博网站十大排行 gained profession-based experience and completed research programs throughout the nation this summer, ranging from dental research in Minnesota to studying cancer cells in 犹他州.

研究项目, which often receive funding from government agencies such as the National Institute of Health and the National Science Foundation, 极具竞争力.  展示了西北科技项目的实力, 学生们被安置在全国各地的学校, 包括明尼苏达大学, 康奈尔大学, University of Wisconsin—Madison and University of 密苏里州—Kansas City as well as nature centers, 兽医诊所和保健中心遍布整个地区.

网上赌博网站十大排行的教员 自然科学系 encourage students to apply for the prestigious research experiences and believe the knowledge students gain is invaluable.

“It’s really satisfying for students to get in the lab and not just learn about science but actually practice science and run their own projects,” Dr. 生物学副教授詹姆斯·坎贝尔说. “你开始觉得自己像个科学家.”

A sampling of Northwest students who completed summer research programs appears below.


塞缪尔·林 presented the findings of his research at the University of Minnesota. (提交的图)

塞缪尔·林 presented the findings of his research at the University of Minnesota. (提交的图)

林, 利伯缇大学生物医学专业的大四学生, 密苏里州, participated in the Life Sciences Summer Research Program at the University of Minnesota, 专门从事颅面和牙科研究.

With more than 100 applicants throughout the nation for the craniofacial and dental research experience, 林 was one of eight students accepted for the program funded by the National Institute of Health.

林 spent 10 weeks researching how sugar levels affect bacteria in human mouths. 在首席研究员和导师的支持下, he spent 35 hours every week running tests and conducting experiments in a lab. He explored his interest in cavity-causing bacteria by applying different amounts of sugar to the bacterium and studying its effects. 

他在实验室的时间使他能够独立工作, and he had the opportunity to freely experiment with new techniques and equipment.

“我得到了专业人士使用的工具, 他们希望我自己操作这些非常昂贵的机器,格罗夫斯说. “他们给了我责任,但他们也相信我能做到.”

整个夏天都在建立关系, developing presentation skills and experiencing what working in a lab is like, 林 expanded his network and his understanding of research as a profession.

“总的来说,我从来没有真正的研究经验, 所以它拓宽了我想做什么的视野,格罗夫斯说. “这对建立人脉和终身友谊真的很有好处.”


安吉拉·莫雷诺 completed a research program at Brigham Young University. (提交的图)

安吉拉·莫雷诺 completed a research program at Brigham Young University. (提交的图)

每莫雷诺, 萨拉戈萨大学生物化学专业的大四学生, 西班牙, 在普罗沃的杨百翰大学完成了一个研究项目, 犹他州.

与其他本科生和研究生合作, 每莫雷诺 worked in a cancer research lab and was tasked with researching TNK1 proteins and its role in cancer development. She examined how TNK1 reached other proteins that send inflammatory signals to the body.

在她研究项目的过程中, 每莫雷诺被介绍到新的实践和实验室技术.

“I did a lot of cell culture, immunoprecipitation, PCRs, western blots,佩尔·莫雷诺说. “我还学会了解释网上赌博网站十大排行得到的数据.”

她在杨百翰大学的学业即将结束, 每莫雷诺 even uncovered new information about how TNK1 proteins travel through the body.

“The thing that I am most proud of from this experience is that I discovered something that nobody ever had,佩尔·莫雷诺说. “Once we found it, I felt that all the hard work we put into it was really worth it.”

在她的经历之后, 每莫雷诺 has a stronger interest in research as a career and hopes to continue her work in cancer research.


巴克在康奈尔大学完成了一个研究项目. (提交的图)

巴克在康奈尔大学完成了一个研究项目. (提交的图)

巴克, a junior nanoscience major with an emphasis in chemistry and biology from Kansas City, 密苏里州, 在康奈尔大学完成了一个研究项目.

巴克的项目是由美国国家科学基金会资助的, and she worked in Cornell’s Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics. 巴克 was among 11 students accepted to the program from about 700 applicants.

专注于研究一种人类蛋白质, 巴克 spent much of her time in the lab practicing the technique of restriction cloning. Because she was tasked with manually separating and attaching fragments of DNA, 利用限制性内切酶和DNA连接酶, 巴克在工作时必须保持耐心和观察力.

“Scientific research takes time, and I knew that on a logical level going in,” 巴克 said. “But knowing something and experiencing it are two completely different things.”

巴克, who hopes to attend graduate school and later begin a career in research, believes that her experience at Cornell provided her with hands-on training and an inside look at what this line of work is like.

“It was a great experience, especially the amount of autonomy I had in the lab,” 巴克 said. “Yes, I did have my lab mentor, but I was doing a lot of projects on my own, day in and day out.”


亚历山大吉尔伯特 conducted animal vaccine research and development during an internship with Merck Animal Health. (提交的图)

亚历山大吉尔伯特 conducted animal vaccine research and development during an internship with Merck Animal Health. (提交的图)

Gilbert, a senior general biology major from Omaha, Nebraska, interned at Merck Animal Health.

与科学家和医生一起工作, Gilbert spent her internship experience in animal vaccine research and development, 特别是家禽团队.

她参与了病毒中和程序的开发, which allowed her to get hands-on experience in neutralization practices, 实验室环境下的病毒稀释和问题解决.

Gilbert’s exposure to lab research gave her new skills that she believes will be useful to her in any science career.

“我认为我得到了很多宝贵的实验室经验,”吉尔伯特说. “我也对环境充满热情, so I can see myself taking the lab skills I got there and using that for research in wildlife health.”

修过生物学和生物技术课程, 吉尔伯特觉得自己已经准备好进入实验室了, but the opportunity to apply her knowledge in a real-world setting gave her advanced knowledge about the field of scientific research that she had not been exposed to before.

“这让我在实验室里更自在, 现在我知道我可以看到自己在做这件事,吉尔伯特说。. “I’m just glad I got to be in the industry, because now I kind of know what that’s like.”


Dr. 马克Hornickel



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