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Northwest begins next era with inauguration of Tatum

盛况, circumstance 和 the glow of a new beginning on Friday afternoon filled Bearcat Arena as 网上赌博网站十大排行 celebrated the inauguration of its 11th president, Dr. 兰斯·泰特姆, with a ceremony that featured well wishes for the new leader’s success while setting a course for the institution’s future.

大学教师, 穿着五颜六色的学术礼服, 作为工作人员座上宾, 校友和学生挤满了露天看台的座位, 加入社区支持者, delegates from across the state 和 friends of the Tatum family. The ceremony also featured stirring music performed by the Northwest 风交响曲塔合唱团.

当天的高潮时刻发生在 校董会 Chair Roxanna Swaney 和 Vice Chair Mel Tjeerdsma placed Northwest’s chain of office 和 medallion – a new set unveiled for Tatum’s presidency that replaced the one in use since Dr. B.D. 1977年欧文斯的就职典礼 ——越过他的肩膀. 然后, 塔图姆在他妻子的陪同下, 吉尔, 还有这对夫妇的孩子, Thad 和 Zoe – placed his left h和 on a large Bible passed on to the family by 吉尔’s mother, held up his right h和 和 accepted the charge read by Swaney to carry out the duties of Northwest’s president.

Northwest Regents Mel Tjeerdsma 和 Roxanna Swaney placed the University's chain of office on Dr. 兰斯·塔图姆的肩膀,他的家人在一旁看着. (Photo by Lauren Adams/<a href='http://letzoo.fc-daudenzell.com'>网上赌博网站十大排行</a>)

Northwest Regents Mel Tjeerdsma 和 Roxanna Swaney placed the University's chain of office on Dr. 兰斯·塔图姆的肩膀,他的家人在一旁看着. (Photo by Lauren Adams/网上赌博网站十大排行)

Placing his h和 on a family Bible held by his wife, 吉尔, Dr. 兰斯·泰特姆 accepted the charge to carry out the duties of Northwest’s president. (Photo by Todd Weddle/<a href='http://letzoo.fc-daudenzell.com'>网上赌博网站十大排行</a>)

Placing his h和 on a family Bible held by his wife, 吉尔, Dr. 兰斯·泰特姆 accepted the charge to carry out the duties of Northwest’s president. (Photo by Todd Weddle/网上赌博网站十大排行)

Dr. 兰斯·泰特姆 presented his inaugural address to an audience in Bearcat Arena. (Photo by Todd Weddle/<a href='http://letzoo.fc-daudenzell.com'>网上赌博网站十大排行</a>)

Dr. 兰斯·泰特姆 presented his inaugural address to an audience in Bearcat Arena. (Photo by Todd Weddle/网上赌博网站十大排行)


在行动上, Tatum was showered with applause 和 a prolonged st和ing ovation by the Bearcat Arena crowd.

“今天 signals the beginning of my presidency 和 the continuation of a legacy of excellence 和 community that defines our institution,塔图姆在结束就职演说时说. “我坚定地致力于增长的愿景, sustainability 和 empowerment that lies at the heart of our journey forward.”

网上赌博网站十大排行校董会选择了博士. 兰斯·泰特姆 to lead the University last year, 和 he began his tenure June 1, 2023. The inauguration ceremony – a long-st和ing tradition at colleges 和 universities to celebrate the installation of presidents 和 reaffirm an institution’s mission 和 commitments – marks the climax of Tatum’s first year at Northwest.

In addition to thanking the many people who have supported his personal 和 professional growth – including family, past teachers 和 mentors – Tatum thanked Northwest 和 Maryville community members who have assisted him 和 吉尔 during their transition to the University. 他感谢西北地区的领导, 教师 和 工作人员 – past 和 present – for their encouragement 和 dedication to the University.

“It was immediately clear to me that 学生 were the focus at 网上赌博网站十大排行,塔图姆说. “属性, a well-developed legacy from the days of this institution's role as a Normal School, 谈到了我的学生经历. An experience connected to committed 教师 和 hardworking 工作人员. An experience that built 和 shaped me into who I am today. Through the hard work 和 support of 教师 和 工作人员 at Northwest, we will continue to uphold the mission 和 values of this University. 提供优秀教学的价值, meaningful mentorship 和 committed support to grow 和 nurture our 学生 so they may achieve their educational 和 professional goals.”

感谢西北同学, 泰特姆说, “Your willingness to include 吉尔 和 me in your campus events 和 celebrations has given us so many great early memories, 还有能量, passion 和 sense of pride you demonstrate inspires me to remain focused on making your Northwest experience the best it can be.”

Tatum reflected on why he decided to pursue a career in education 和 attributed that decision to “a profound passion 和 strong belief in the transformative impact of education.”

“对我来说, education st和s as the cornerstone of progress 和 advancement within any society,塔图姆说. “It serves as the key that unlocks doors of opportunity 和 empowers individuals to realize their utmost potential. 从我走进教室的那一刻起, I envisioned myself not merely as a source of knowledge but as a facilitator of learning, 用技能武装学生, values 和 self-assurance necessary to navigate the complexities of our ever-changing world.”

Dr. 兰斯·泰特姆 delivered his inaugural address to an audience in Bearcat Arena. (Photo by Todd Weddle/<a href='http://letzoo.fc-daudenzell.com'>网上赌博网站十大排行</a>)

Dr. 兰斯·泰特姆 delivered his inaugural address to an audience in Bearcat Arena. (Photo by Todd Weddle/网上赌博网站十大排行)

In outlining goals for Northwest during his presidency, 泰特姆说 he is focused on enrollment growth 和 sustainability, providing 学生 with the best possible collegiate experience, 以及对大学员工的投资. He pledged to strengthen Northwest’s culture of caring while growing a sense of togetherness 和 mutual respect for the people who call the University home.

As funding shifts for public universities have made tuition the primary revenue source to support institutions like Northwest, 泰特姆说 the institution must continue its focus on strategic growth 和 sustainability to maintain its mission of offering accessible higher education in the region.

Several initiatives to meet those goals are underway at Northwest, Tatum noted. 去年夏天, the University exp和ed its Bearcat Advantage scholarship program to attract more quality out-of-state 学生. 同时, Northwest is partnering with KC Scholars to exp和 opportunities to recruit low-income 学生 from Kansas City, 和 a robust international student population is helping to grow 和 diversify 大学的招生组合. 另外, the University has conducted a comprehensive review of admissions 和 recruiting approaches to guide its enrollment strategy during the next five years.

说到大学经历, Tatum acknowledged 学生 are learning in different ways today than the 学生 attending colleges 和 universities decades ago. 仍然, 他说, Northwest remains positioned to help its 学生 cultivate deep connections with 教师, 工作人员 和 peers that contribute to a holistic education.

“今天, 学生 have the flexibility to enroll in either traditional classroom settings, 在线或混合格式, 混合两种,塔图姆说. “Pair this with the ability to engage with friends 和 peers via social media 和 various other communication platforms, 和 the contemporary collegiate experience differs significantly from that of past generations. 不过, 不管连接方式如何, the time spent at Northwest should remain the most transformative experience in our 学生’ lives.”

泰特姆说, “Our vibrant campus life is a testament to the spirit of community that defines 和 shapes our institution. 这是与教师的经历和互动, 工作人员 和 the campus community that bond our 学生 to Northwest. 一旦他们成为校友, it is this bond that serves as the foundation for their interest in 和 willingness to support our institutional goals. Our aim is to cultivate a Northwest experience that sparks inspiration, 因为只有受鼓舞的人才能激励他人. 别忘了,一次做熊猫,永远做熊猫.”

最后, Tatum spoke to his desire to invest in Northwest’s people 和 nurture a campus environment that is conducive to personal 和 professional growth. The president said Northwest will explore ways to enhance existing leadership programs 和 cultivate leaders by allocating resources to professional development, 领导力培训, mentorship 和 providing platforms so aspiring individuals may assume leadership roles.

“在西北, 教师, 工作人员, 学生, 校友和朋友是骨干, 驱动力, 也是网上赌博网站十大排行成功的精髓所在,塔图姆说. “Investing in people is not just merely a strategic decision; it is a fundamental expression of our belief in the transformative power of education.”

Dr. 小杰克·霍金斯., the chancellor of Troy University, delivered the ceremony's keynote address. (Photo by Lauren Adams/<a href='http://letzoo.fc-daudenzell.com'>网上赌博网站十大排行</a>)

Dr. 小杰克·霍金斯., the chancellor of Troy University, delivered the ceremony's keynote address. (Photo by Lauren Adams/网上赌博网站十大排行)

University leaders congratulate, welcome new president

学生参议院 President 和 Student Regent Elizabeth Motazedi delivered greetings to Northwest President Dr. 兰斯·泰特姆. (Photo by Lauren Adams/<a href='http://letzoo.fc-daudenzell.com'>网上赌博网站十大排行</a>)

学生参议院 President 和 Student Regent Elizabeth Motazedi delivered greetings to Northwest President Dr. 兰斯·泰特姆. (Photo by Lauren Adams/网上赌博网站十大排行)

Dr. 兰斯·泰特姆 greeted family 和 friends during an evening social 和 dinner at the 农业学习中心. (Photo by Todd Weddle/<a href='http://letzoo.fc-daudenzell.com'>网上赌博网站十大排行</a>)

Dr. 兰斯·泰特姆 greeted family 和 friends during an evening social 和 dinner at the 农业学习中心. (Photo by Todd Weddle/网上赌博网站十大排行)

Dr. 小杰克·霍金斯., 特洛伊大学的校长, 阿拉巴马州, 也是塔图姆的重要导师, 提供活动的主题演讲. Hawkins has served as Troy’s chancellor since 1989 和 is the longest-serving chief executive officer of a public university in the United States.

While emphasizing higher education’s responsibility to preserve culture 和 values, Hawkins reflected on Tatum’s growth 和 development as a servant leader.   

“I think one of the greatest challenges we face as an academy is the need for strong leadership – leaders that can make decisions that are in the best interest of 学生,霍金斯说. 解决泰特姆, 霍金斯补充说, “I’ve watched you grow up from being a lifeguard at Troy University to a 教师 member, 给部门主席, to a dean 和 then I can remember asking you to be a vice chancellor 和 then the chief academic officer of our institution. I’ve been so incredibly proud of the work that you’ve done.”

The ceremony also featured greetings 和 congratulatory remarks from leaders representing Northwest stakeholder groups, 马特Gaarder, 协会主席 校友会董事会; Elizabeth Motazedi, Northwest’s 学生参议院 president 和 student regent; Leisha Barry, 协会主席 西北基金会董事会; Selena Foreman, chair of the 员工委员会; 和 Dr. 朗达·比默,美国 教师参议院. Chad Mayne, pastor at The Bridge in Maryville, provided an invocation.

“当网上赌博网站十大排行站在一个新时代的地平线上, it is fitting that we reflect on the values that have defined our University throughout its history – a commitment to academic excellence, dedication to a culture of family 和 a belief in the transformative power of education,巴里说。. “Dr. 兰斯·泰特姆 brings a wealth of experience, passion 和 vision to lead us forward. He has a proven track record of team building 和 higher education experience, 和 I look forward to his leadership that will steward Northwest to continue to thrive 和 evolve.”

除了下午的就职典礼, the Tatum family 和 friends gathered during the morning at The Bridge for a prayer brunch. 就职典礼后, attendees had an opportunity to greet 和 pose for photos with Tatum in the Lamkin Activity Center lobby. Evening activities included a social 和 dinner at the 农业学习中心, attended by the Tatum family 和 friends as well as University leaders, prior to the 学生活动委员会-sponsored concert featuring Russell Dickerson at the 卡尔和谢丽尔·休斯菲尔德豪斯.


Dr. 马克Hornickel

