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Personal and Professional Development Opportunities


日期(s) 报告标题 主持人
2月. 12 Lifting as We Climb: Concepts to Understanding Diversity and Inclusion Dr. 谢马龙
2月. 20 嘘.... The Not-So-Secret Edge to Success in Business 达拉斯Amsden
2月. 21 Why Consider Federal Service 皮特考克朱迪
2月. 29 Personality Jazz: Creating Harmony at Work 史蒂文Iwersen
3月. 4 The Power of Our Assumptions 鲍勃Dusin
3月. 26 Nobody Ever Wins a Fight 戴尔·斯图尔特
1月. 3月30日. 25月12日或16日 C.A.L.M. 在危机 健康服务
1月. 2月23日,. 3月13日. 4月7日或2日 J.E.D.I. 程序 Office of Diversity and Inclusion


Student employees should record attending Career Pathing sessions on timesheets

Lifting as we Climb: Concepts to Understanding Diversity and Inclusion

Lifting as we Climb: Concepts to Understanding Diversity and Inclusion

Dr. Shalon Malone, Assistant Vice President – Diversity and Inclusion
Office of Diversity and Inclusion
Northwest Missouri State University

日期: Monday, 2月ruary 12
时间:上午10点.m., 1 p.m. 还有3p.m. 
地点: 学生会会议室

This conversation is about the basics of identity and diversity so we can understand how to progress creating an inclusive environment for all. 最后, learn how to practice what you’ve learned by engaging in a conversation with your peers and facilitators about any questions you’ve ever wanted to know about issues of diversity and social justice.

嘘.... The Not-So-Secret Edge to Success in Business

嘘.... The Not-So-Secret Edge to Success in Business

Speaker, Host, Communication Expert and Presentation Trainer
in Communicate2Succeed

Date: Tuesday, 2月ruary 20
时间:上午10点.m., 1 p.m. 或者下午2:30.m.
地点: 学生会会议室

Have you ever wondered why some business 专业s skyrocket to success while others plateau? What makes some rise to the top of their field, even if they’re not more talented than others. What is the secret of their success? 好吧, the answer is really not that big of a secret, and the answer has even been endorsed by none other than Warren Buffett who said, "If you want to be worth 50% more than you are right now… hone your communication skills,“就是这样。. The not-so-secret edge is powerful communication skills.

But… powerful communication is about more than speaking or eloquence; it's about mastering persuasion, 建立信任, 流露出一种魅力, 还有更多! In this exclusive training session, communication expert 达拉斯Amsden will guide you through some of the key principles of effective communication, steering you away from common pitfalls that can jeopardize interviews, 交易, 团队动力. Discover the principles that will establish you as the go-to expert in your field.

Don't let success be a mystery; join us for an event that promises to elevate your business acumen. Seize the not-so-secret edge to success and position yourself for greatness! Don't miss out on this opportunity to sharpen your communication skills and propel your career to new heights.

Why Consider Federal Service

Why Consider Federal Service

皮特考克朱迪, Recruitment Lead
United States Department of Agriculture

日期: Wednesday, 2月ruary 21
时间:上午10点.m., 1 p.m. 还有3p.m. 
地点: Student Union Ballroom

We are called to serve others.  Individuals employed with the Federal Government provide many services, benefiting millions of people each day and creating positive change.  美国.S. Department of Agriculture offers excellent benefits, 专业, 发展, career advancement and work-life balance that’s hard to find in private sector.  Look beyond the paycheck and see how federal employee benefits add up to a smart choice for financial security and quality of life. Then choose an employer who cares about your future and well-being!


  • 政府福利
  • Learn about Federal career.
  • How to write a Federal Resume to get yourself referred for a “hard” to get position.

Personality Jazz: Creating Harmony At Work

Personality Jazz: Creating Harmony At Work

Keynote and Inspirational Speaker, Author and CSP (Certified Speaking Professional)
Aurora Pointe有限责任公司

Date: Thursday, 2月ruary 29
时间:上午11点.m., 1 p.m. 或者下午3:30.m.
地点: 学生会会议室

Simply acknowledging that we have different personalities doesn’t make for better teams. Your ability to communicate, 尊重, and compliment instead of competing, is the mix needed for great relationships — at work and home. The strength of your team depends on their ability to appreciate and work with those who have different work styles.

Personality Jazz reveals the secret of working in rhythm with others. 网上赌博网站十大排行的客座主持人, 史蒂文Iwersen, will help you discover a new understanding of personalities from the world of jazz!

The Power of Our Assumptions

The Power of Our Assumptions

鲍勃Dusin, Leadership Keynote Speaker

时间:上午11点.m., 1 p.m. 或者3p.m.
地点: 学生会会议室

This session shines a light on how negative perceptions of people affect a leader’s ability to create the most effective team.

All leaders have assumptions about the capabilities of the people on their team and in their organization, even before they know them well. These assumptions and perceptions have a significant impact on the level of engagement and commitment of those team members.

A leader’s assumptions and perceptions, and the actions taken because of them, are often not recognized consciously by the leader. They are certainly not done maliciously. But recognizing these assumptions will make a positive shift in the level of commitment, 动机, 以及底线结果.

Nobody Ever Wins a Fight

Nobody Ever Wins a Fight


时间:上午11点.m., 2 p.m. 或者是4p.m.
地点: 学生会会议室

Whether a natural result of being human or an intentional creation, the air seems to be filled with the behavior and language of conflict. Most individuals lose employment not from lack of ability to “do the job” but from lack of ability to get along with others.

This interactive workshop will help participants learn to listen carefully to others, 对他们自己. Techniques and language clues will be shared to help an individual or group navigate the “Levels and Momentum of Conflict” and slice through the “Golf Ball of Perception and Power.”

W. 戴尔·斯图尔特 has spent a lifetime of working with individuals and groups as a mediator, 警察侦探, consultant and ordained minister. He has led conflict resolution workshops in the U.S. And Canada, and has served as a mediator with courts throughout Missouri.

C.A.L.M. 在危机

C.A.L.M. 在危机

Northwest Missouri State University 

Date, Time and 地点:
Tuesday, 1月uary 30, 2024 – 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p,m.、工会董事会
Monday, 3月ch 25, 2024 - 3:00 - 5:30 p.m.、工会董事会
Friday, April 12, 2024 - 2:30 - 5 p.m.,站 This session is at capacity. If you would like to be added to a waitlist to attend, please email terraf@fc-daudenzell.com
Tuesday, April 16, 2024 - 2:30 - 5 pm、工会董事会

长度:2.5 Hours (In addition to a 1 hour online 训练营)
*MUST complete both the online 训练营 and in-person Training session.

This program is designed to assist the campus community in identifying students with mental health concerns.  This training is available for all faculty, staff and students at Northwest!  It is a two-part training including a 1-hour online 训练营 and a 2.5 hour, in-person training held here on campus. 
While counseling services are key to helping support our students with mental health needs, our campus community plays a critical role in overall student wellness. Because of the increasing prevalence of mental health struggles, student success is being increasingly affected. C的目的.A.L.M. 在危机 is to build skills across our campus community (students, faculty, and staff). The training focuses on improving awareness of the risk factors and warning signs for suicide, how to recognize and respond when they occur, when/how to refer to available resources, ways in which to offer hope, and the importance of managing personal wellness throughout the process. Participation in the training is how we can help align our various roles on campus to bring evidence-based interventions to our ongoing support of student wellbeing. 
Important Note: This is a two-part training requiring completion of an online component, 训练营, as well as an in-person component. 训练营 needs to be completed in 西北在线 within two weeks of the in-person training date you select. Information to access 训练营 will be sent via email 2 weeks prior to the in-person training. 

The course is organized around the acronym C.A.L.M.
C -创造意识  
A -问问题 
L -学习资源 
M -管理你的健康 

Content includes a brief overview of mental health concerns on campus, as well as breaking down each component of the C.A.L.M. acronym. After completion of both training components, attendees will be emailed a certificate of completion.

This session counts as three Career Pathing sessions. 

选择 注册.


C.A.L.M 在危机 Student Registration

J.E.D.I. 程序

J.E.D.I. 程序

Dr. Jessie Peter, Senior Coordinator
Office of Diversity and Inclusion
Northwest Missouri State University

Date: 1月uary 2月23日,ruary 13, 3月ch 4月7日或2日

地点: 1月uary 2月23日,ruary 13 and 3月ch 7 will be located in Student Union Meeting Room D
              April 2 will be located at the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Student Union

J.E.D.I. 程序
The Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (J.E.D.I.) 程序 is offered by Northwest's Office of Diversity and Inclusion as a co-curricular program for students. If provides a series of learning experiences that aim to facilitate students’ self-awareness and identity formation, understanding of diverse cultural experiences, and advocacy to reduce structural inequities.
Attend any 3 of the following programs to complete Level 1 of the J.E.D.I. 程序. To learn more about the JEDI 程序 email Dr. 杰西·彼得—— jpeter@fc-daudenzell.com

日期 & 时报》:

Date: Tuesday, 1月uary 23
  • Implicit thoughts: Join us for a conversation about implicit thoughts and how they direct our perceptions.
Date: Tuesday, 2月ruary 13
  • Intent Vs Impact: Join us for a conversation about how implicit thoughts inform our actions and its effects.
  • Intercultural Competency: Join us for a conversation to understand  and 尊重 each other across cultures.
  • Intersectionality: Join us for a conversation to become self and other aware of our positions in society. 