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Counseling Services

Guided Mindfulness

Held on Tuesday and Wednesday from 12:00-12:30 at North Complex (follow the signs). Click here to reserve your space. Don't forget to bring your own towel for use on the Moon Pods!

正念是一种精神状态,它涉及到完全专注于“现在”,这样一个人就可以接受他们的想法, feelings and sensations without judgement. 这是一种放松的专注状态,专注于当下,同时努力实现自我意识. 目的是心理、情感和身体的康复,以及日常的压力缓解.

Learning mindfulness meditation is straightforward. It is a practice, so it’s never about being perfect! 引导正念需要一个引导者提供方向,并引导个人在一个安静舒适的空间中完成一系列步骤. Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided imagery and other practices to relax the body and mind.  Especially useful for beginners, guided mindfulness takes the guesswork out of the mechanics of practice.

Peer Wellness Coaching

同伴健康指导旨在通过有意设定目标和同伴支持来帮助个别学生. Peer Wellness Coaches meet with students on a one-on-one basis on a topic of their choice. The position of a Peer Wellness Coach represents a wide variety of responsibilities. 教练的一些职能包括:领导和发展健康教育和预防项目, assisting and joining fellow students in their daily lives, and offering awareness and resources to combat common challenges. 同伴健康教练被委托有这个机会为他们的同伴服务,这些人拥有很高的沟通技巧,并努力过上平衡的生活.

Ways Coaching Can Help

Stress Management; Motivation; Sleep Hygiene; Boundaries/Relationships; Self-Confidence; Getting Connected; Time Management; Communication Skills

Meet the Counselors!

When to See a Counselor:
  • When seeking growth, personal exploration, and development
  • Your concern is interfering in one or more areas of your life
  • Your typical coping strategies are unhealthy or not effective
  • Before the crisis

How to Schedule Your Appointment:

Peer Wellness Coaching

You can call Wellness Services at (660) 562-1348, Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm to request a consultation with a counselor. 在咨询过程中,您的咨询师会将您推荐给最能满足您需求的教练.


You can call Wellness Services at (660) 562-1348, Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm to request a consultation with a counselor. During your consultation, 你的咨询师会和你一起制定一个循序渐进的护理计划来帮助你实现你的目标.

Crisis Services

If you are in crisis, 你可以要求在工作时间与健康服务中心的分诊顾问会面. After hours, please call the 24/7 Support Line at 988 or text HOME to 741741.

What does counseling cost?

Counseling is covered in your designated wellness fee. There is no additional cost for counseling visits.

How many times can I see a counselor?

There is no limit to the amount of times you can see a counselor. Your counselor will discuss recommended treatment options at your initial consultation.

How often will I meet with my counselor?

Frequency of appointments is decided with your counselor, based on severity of symptoms, goals, and availability of additional resources.

Is counseling confidential?

Counseling services are confidential except for the following:

  • Harm to self or others
  • Child abuse, elder abuse, abuse of an adult who can’t take care of themselves
  • Court order
  • Consultations within Wellness Services
  • In case of emergency

How am I matched with a counselor?

Your initial appointment will be made based on schedule availability. After your initial consultation, 你可以继续与同一位咨询师会面,也可以要求与另一位咨询师会面. Occasionally, 由于适合程度或专业领域,您的初始咨询师会将您推荐给另一位咨询师.


Typically, students are seen for their initial appointment within 7-10 days. If you are in crisis, you can call Wellness Services at (660) 562-1348, Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm, to speak with the triage counselor. 如果是下班时间,您可以拨打24/7支持热线(888)279-8188或发送HOME到741741

Am I required to attend counseling after my initial appointment?

Counseling is completely voluntary and you can stop attending at any time. 如果你不再希望继续咨询,建议让你的辅导员知道.

Is counseling really effective?

Yes, most students report feeling better or noticing improvement within four sessions.


Wellness Center


Monday–Friday: 8 a.m.–5 p.m.

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